A litte late for my update BUT! I had a wedding to attend right after the Con in texas, and I also got and still am very sick, which I'm sure I also got from the con. It was however a blast, I was able to dress up in my Flight suit for my comic, and It was better than I could of imagined. I'm so thankful for everyone who stopped by, and was interested, and participated in my contest. Lost of doubles returned from last year, and I'm happy to announce if your located on the west coast (which is where I currently live as of the past 3 months), I will be at San Diego Comicon. I will have my table info up as soon as I get it together. I also plan on havng the 3rd chapter of Corrsolla Robot finished as well as 2 more by the time San Diego comicon is around. Comicon is my favorite part of the year so I hope to see you all again next year at New York City comicon, I will be in the same spot as last year. Hopefully make some new friends at San Diego comicon, this will be my first year there. In other great news, Chapter 1 of corrsolla robot is now available FOR FREE for digital download on my website! So you if you haven't had a chance to read it yet, now's your chance. I already started working on the 3rd chapter, I can't wait to have it all out. Here are some photo's from the con in New York a few days back, and some of the contest winners from my contest. Thank you so much everyone! Your all awesome!